Arjuna is a large deciduous tree, commonly found throughout India. Arjuna tree has been used as a medicine in Ayurveda for many thousands of years. This tree is cone-shaped with white bark and elliptic leaves placed in opposite directions. The sap of Arjuna tree is milky white in colour. The flowers are yellowish and fruits are fibrous woody and smooth.

Quick Facts about Arjuna or Terminalia Arjuna
Common name: Arjuna
Sanskrit name: Kakubha, Partha, Shwetavaaha
English name: Arjuna
Scientific name: Terminalia Arjuna
Rasa: Kasaya
Guna: Ruksa
Virya: Sita
Vipaka: Katu
Dosha: Decreases Pitta and Kapha and increases Vata
Karma: Bhagnasandhankara, Hridya, Kaphahara, Pittahara, Vrananasana, Vyanga Hara
Arjuna tree originated from India. It can be found in various different climatic conditions ranging from sub-Himalayan regions to far south in Deccan region, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. It can be generally found along flowing water and marshy areas. This tree grows to about 20 – 25 m in length.
Chemical constituents
The bark of Arjuna tree is used for medicinal purposes and it has been found to contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, aluminium, and tannins, flavonoids, saponin glycosides and phytosterols. The bark also contains crystalline compounds such as arjunine, arjunetin, essential oils and reducing sugars.
Health benefits
- Anti-inflammatory properties: Arjuna bark has anti-inflammatory properties which act as COX inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and displayed both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Controls cholesterol: Studies have shown that Arjuna tree is effective in bringing down LDL cholesterol levels. The hypocholesterolaemic effect was comparable to vitamin E.
- Cardiac protection: Arjuna bark has been traditionally prescribed for heart problems. Recent studies have shown that Arjuna was very effective in controlling refractory chronic congestive heart failure.
- Keeps diabetes in check: Studies have shown that the extracts from Arjuna bark were very effective in controlling diabetes. The research concluded Arjuna to be a potent diabetes reducing agent.
- Liver protection: The antioxidants present in Arjuna bark acted as nullifying agents against fluoride damage caused to the liver. Arjuna bark extracts were so effective that fluoride levels had come down to almost normal after just 10 days.
- Reduces gastric ulcers: Studies on Arjuna bark’s gastric protection abilities showed that it was very effective in controlling ulcers, lesions, regulating the gastric juice and pH level of gastric acid, etc. The anti-oxidants play in Arjuna bark play a major role in scavenging free radicals and minimizing their damage.
- Treats asthma: According to Ayurveda, Arjuna bark can be very effective in the treatment of asthma. Fine powder of the dried bark must be taken with kheer or rice and milk pudding.
- Diarrhoea and dysentery: Arjuna bark powder can also be effective in reducing both diarrhoea and dysentery. Not more than 20 to 30 g of powder should be taken.
- Fractures and contusions: According to Ayurveda, Arjuna bark is effective in restoring strength to the bones which have been fractured. Powdered dry bark of Arjuna can be taken along with honey for this.
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